In the last few years, we have seen Dior going through big changes. We have experienced Dior Replica Handbags come and go, even tough they were loved by the community. Only a fraction of the handbags that were created in the previous years are still alive and kicking. Some of them are becoming the house’s iconic. Some of them are still fresh and their future is unsure.
For those that are still undecided which classic handbag to choose from Dior, here are the few that we recommend. With exceptional of the Lady Dior Bag and the Diorama Bag of course. The Lady Dior Bag is Dior and will never be removed. The Diorama was introduced a few years ago, but has become the house’s icon. These two styles are the ultimate investments. So without further talking, here are the proven new styles (new styles meaning they have introduced just a couple years ago or last year), which are very promising to become the next classic handbag of Dior:
The Dior Replica Handbags is the first handbag that we want to recommend. If we scroll over the list (as per today, december 2018), this handbag has survived the longest when comparing to the other newly introduced styles. The Diorever Bag is created around the year 2016 and it feels like the Diorama Bag but as a tote version as it’s also crafted with the crest-shaped clasp.
Introduced for the Fall Winter 2017 Collection, the design of this handbag is very promising. We also love the name C’est Dior, which means It’s Dior in french. The Diorevolution Bag is one of the first handbags that Dior introduced with an oversized logo on the front. It was first-seen in the Summer 2017 Collection.
The Replica Hermes Purses is quite new as it’s introduced for the Fall Winter 2018 Collection. However, the logo resembles very much like the C’est Dior Bag. Because of the minimalistic design and the beautiful logo, we belief this handbag might be the next iconic.
Built with the spirit of the elegance of the Bohemian Paris, the DiorAddict Bag is one of the newest designs in 2017. The name is also very attractive – Dior + Addict. And with the body refined in cannage stitching, featuring the latest DIOR clasp, we belief this handbag will stick with the house for some time and perhaps forever.